Surrey Adviceline 0808 812 7087 | Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Foodbank Project

About the service

Our foodbank project is in partnership with Caterham Foodbank and the Trussell Trust and is designed to specifically help people who are struggling to make ends meet and face going hungry. Our advisers offer support and advice on areas such as benefits, debt, housing, employment and charitable grant applications.

When & where the service is available

The service can be accessed at the Caterham Foodbank locations at:

  • Oakhall Church, 181 Chaldon Road, CR3 5PL – Mon 12.00 to 14.00
  • Caterham Baptist Church, 6 Beechwood Road Caterham CR3 6NA – Thurs 12.00 to 14.00

Accessing the service / referrals

Appointments can be arranged in our Caterham and Oxted offices for clients referred through this project, as well as support on the phone and email.

When you contact us for support through our normal routes, we’ll consider if you need a referral to this service.