Surrey Adviceline 0808 812 7087 | National Adviceline 0800 144 8848 | Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Energy Advice Project

About the service

Our Energy Adviser is dedicated to helping to combat fuel poverty in Tandridge , providing one-to-one advice and support to people experiencing difficulties with their energy costs.

Energy bills have surged during the cost of living crisis and more and more people are having to choose between heating or eating.

We can help with your problems, such as high or incorrect bills, and if you need advice on challenging your energy provider. We can also help you access the Priority Services Register, a scheme that offers extra assistance and services to certain groups of people.

Get advice today for more information about how we can help you reduce your energy costs.

When & where the service is available

Appointments can be arranged in our Caterham and Oxted offices for clients referred through this project, as well as support on the phone and email.

Accessing the service / referrals

When you contact us for support through our normal routes, we’ll consider if you need a referral to this service.